Fields Corner pho restaurant that had been ordered shut allowed to re-open - but without beer and wine

The Boston Licensing Board on Thursday reinstated the food-serving license for Pho So 1, 223 Adams St. - and even let it stay open longer than before it was shut for letting patrons drink after its official closing time.

But patrons can forget about getting a beer or some wine with their meal; owner Hoang Anh Nguyen did not appeal the revocation of his alcohol license.

Pho So 1 can now legally stay open until midnight; until the board revoked its food and alcohol licenses last month, it was supposed to close at 10 p.m.

The board reinstated the restaurant's food-serving license for a 60-day probationary period to see if it can now stay out of trouble.

Board members seemed optimistic it would - they noted the restaurant only started racking up after-hours citations after it got a license to serve beer and wine.

"The issue with them was strictly alcohol," board Chairwoman Christine Pulgini said.


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