The Greening of Dorchester

The Food Project: Teenagers from The Food Project working in the Dudley Triangle weed salad mix in 2006. Over 60 youth from Boston and its suburbs will grow food through the Food Project this summer.The Food Project: Teenagers from The Food Project working in the Dudley Triangle weed salad mix in 2006. Over 60 youth from Boston and its suburbs will grow food through the Food Project this summer.How will our neighborhood respond to the challenge of transforming our economy — and our personal behaviors — to protect and sustain our environment? In a special Dorchester Day section, the Reporter and its readers explore this topic in a series of articles:

Looking to 2050: Our readers pitch in
The Reporter reached out to some of our neighborhoods civic and non-profit leaders to get their thoughts on what Dorchester's 'green' transformation might look like.

Building standards in the spotlight and not just downtown by Chris Lovett

In transportation, it's back to the future by Pete Stidman
Single Stream Recycling CartsSingle Stream Recycling Carts
Single stream now, zero waste in the future? by Geoff Buteau

Fresh produce supply looks promising by Kendra Stanton Lee

The global sea level rise and would it could mean for Dorchester by Pete Stidman

Is a wind turbine for Moon Island in the offing? by Mike Deehan

The SE Expressway: Asphalt roadblock to the sea by Pete Stidman

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