May 14, 2009
Boston Police report arresting a 16-year-old on charges he shot a 70-year-old woman and a 3-year-old boy inside the O.M. May Liquor store at 213 Bowdoin St. around 7:30 p.m. Thursday.
Both victims were taken to Boston Medical Center and both are expected to survive.
In a statement, Boston Police say officers on patrol heard four to five gunshots from down the street and that when they got to the liquor store, they saw a teen running down Bowdoin.
"Officers exited their vehicle and heard a male voice scream 'that's the sweatshirt!' and began pursuing the male on foot. As Officers were pursuing this male they could smell what they believed to be gun powder. The male took a right onto Hamilton St from Bowdoin St. When Officers took a right onto Hamilton St, they could still smell the gun powder. When Officers turned the corner from Bowdoin St onto Hamilton St, An Officer heard a noise coming from the driveway of 166 Hamilton St. At this point, Officers ran behind the garage at 166 Hamilton St and observed the male attempting to climb a fence with barb wire at the top.
At this point, Officers with their firearms unholstered ordered the male to get off the fence and walk toward them and he did so. The suspect came down from the fence and came toward officers who took him to the ground and attempted to grab his arms which he kept in front of him clutched to his chest. Officers were able to move the suspect's hands to behind his back and place him in handcuffs."
Police say officers found a gun in a backpack the teen was carrying.
He was charged with: delinquent to wit; assault with intent to murder (265;15), delinquent to wit:; assault and battery by means of a dangerous weapon (gun) (265-15a), delinquent to wit; unlawful possession of firearm (26910h), delinquent to wit; unlawful possession of ammunition (269-10h), delinquent to wit; firearm with altered serial numbers; possession (269-11b), delinquent to wit; firearm discharged within 500 ft of dwelling (269-12e), delinquent to wit; destruction or injury of personal property (266-127), delinquent to wit; unlawful possession of loaded firearm and delinquent to wit: resisting arrest.
The Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports a Boston Municipal Court judge ordered the teen held in lieu of $100,000 bail at his arraignment today.