Boston Collegiate holds 10th grade Career Fair

More than 50 professionals gathered to meet with Boston Collegiate 10th grade students. Photo courtesy Boston Collegiate Charter School

Boston Collegiate Charter School in the Polish Triangle held a Career Fair last month for 10th graders in the school to begin to be exposed to career opportunities from professionals in the area like Congressman Stephen Lynch.

The school has a comprehensive program of college and career exploration that begins when students enter in 5th grade. By the time they reach 10th grade, they have visited colleges with their advisories and spoken to professionals as part of lessons that focus on engineering, social science, and more.

During sophomore year, the career exposure kicks up with an opportunity to meet professionals in a range of fields at a Career Symposium.

The event began with a little speed-meeting, with professionals stationed throughout the lunchroom. Students had 30 minutes to circulate and meet with five professionals.

This year’s career symposium gathered more than 50 professionals from a range of career fields, including finance, internal medicine, graphic design, engineering, and more.

US Rep. Lynch, a co-founder of the school, came out to see the proceedings in action and enjoy meeting with students and sharing his experience with labor unions and in public service.

“I loved making connections and talking to so many people who do the job I want to do,” said student Rotchel Gaston. “I spoke with a social worker, and I really connected with her. I hope I can do an internship with her next year.”

Boston Collegiate Charter School serves 700 students in grades five through 12 from across the City of Boston.

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