Lower Mills

A meeting at the Lower Mills library on Monday evening could well decide the fate of that branch and, ultimately, branches throughout Dorchester and across the city at large. It is now time for all people who feel — as we do — that libraries are a... Read more
Supporters of the Lower Mills library are urging fellow activists to show up in force at a meeting at the branch tonight [at 6:30 p.m. at the Richmond Street branch] with Boston Public Library President Amy Ryan as a local lawmaker said there has been a “... Read more
The state Public Health Council on Wednesday unanimously backed the sale of the non-profit Caritas Christi hospital chain to Steward Health Care System, a subsidiary of the major private equity firm, Cerberus Capital Management. The proposed transfer of... Read more
Councillor Charles Yancey: Presses BPL to keep branches openFour libraries, including the Boston Public Library system’s Lower Mills branch, remain slated for closure next spring and both proponents and opponents are digging in for a battle over the... Read more
Boston Public Library system president Amy Ryan is scheduled to meet tonight with activists and groups that support the branches. The agenda includes a review of the system's financial status and plans for upcoming community outreach efforts. The Menino... Read more
Local elected officials, who have frequently sought to save Carney Hospital from being shuttered, greeted the headline in Friday’s Boston Globe – “Caritas warns of 2 hospital closures” – with caution, saying the hospital chain has frequently mentioned... Read more
Boston's coffers ended fiscal year 2010 with a $9.1 million surplus, a fiscal watchdog group reports. The Boston Municipal Research Bureau said Monday that the $9.1 million represents represents 0.4 percent of that fiscal year's $2.3 billion in spending.... Read more
Mayor Menino and his administration are fooling themselves if they think that neighbors in Lower Mills are prepared to give up in the fight to keep our branch library open. Any discussion about the BPL’s services in Lower Mills needs to be based on a... Read more
State Rep. Linda Dorcena Forry this afternoon gave birth to a baby girl, Madeline Casey Forry. The baby came in at 8 lbs, 20.5 inches. We're told the mother and baby are doing fine. Rep. Forry, who has served in the House since 2005, is married to... Read more
The City Council on Wednesday unanimously passed a bill to expand the membership of the board of library trustees by four members and hand them fundraising powers. The bill, known as a home rule petition, still needs the sign-off of the mayor, the state... Read more


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